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Giovonni Phillips Suny Canton Portfolio

Hey there ! Welcome to my website. If you'd like to learn a little more about me and what I've been up too, feel free to click the "About Me" button for some more information. Below you'll find 2 projects that I have created here at SUNY Canton. Click the name of the project to explore and learn more about it. Thank you for visiting.

Up The River Revised

For this project, I was assigned the task of taking a board game with a pre-existing set of rules, and implement additional mechanics and thematic elements that would significantly expand upon it. The title of this iteration is "Up the Trade Route", it is a 4 player game where the players are task with transporting their ships to the end of the map in order to earn points.

J-Step Racing Video Game Pitch

For this project, I was assigned the task of coming up with an idea of a game and preparing a pitch for said game to be presented to a publisher. The name of my project is "J-Step Racing", a Jet Set Radio inspired racing game where players traverse areas like city streets, offic building, and rooftops on roller blades.