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Let me tell you a little something about what we here

The basis for this website is to provide a place where customers can make well informed computer purchasing decisions on normal computers. While other big tech stores would look to push their expensive, flashy, and super powerful machines, we’ll look to meet the needs of those who may not want to drop a small fortune on a laptop or computer with a bunch of features they will never use.

We provide a website where users can shop for computers based on what they want and what they can afford. We want to empower our customers to feel confident in their decisions, so we will provide descriptions of computer specs for all our products, and most importantly, describe them in terms that someone who is not familiar with technology can understand. We will provide a service where the customer has all the information about a product that they could need and are able to easily browse and compare items they may want to purchase.

Our motto is “ You shouldn’t have to be a computer wizard just to buy one !”, and we will look to live up to this saying. We want to provide relevant and easily understood information to help our customers get the computer that’s right for them. It’s easy to get lost in all the colorful PC towers and various name brands of powerful computers, and we want to make the task of shopping for technology less intimidating.